Just a Little Nervous from the Fall: Reframing The Way We See Ourselves as Recovering AddictsKintsukuroi is the Japanese art of fixing broken pottery through the use of a lacquer resin sprinkled with gold powder to mend the broken…Jan 21Jan 21
Life Beyond AddictionMy first 10 years of recovery were what I would call…intense. Characterized by epic highs, heart-crushing lows, emotional swings…May 2, 2024May 2, 2024
Reflections on Turning 54 and Completing the 3rd Cycle of 18.Today, I turn 54 years old. It is the completion of my third cycle of 18 years. There is much we can learn by examining our lives in terms…Jun 1, 2021Jun 1, 2021
A Case for PrayerI love the “one day at a time“ philosophy from the 12-Step universe because it focuses my mind and effort on making the most out of each…Apr 23, 2021Apr 23, 2021
How It Felt to Get High After 28 Years SoberI know that these substances are bigger than me. I know that my nervous system is not set up to handle that kind of wattage.Nov 3, 201914Nov 3, 201914
The Tears of Our FathersThroughout my childhood, I got to visit my Dad on weekends and certain holidays. During one weekend visit when I was about five years old…Jun 17, 20181Jun 17, 20181
Limitless You: 8 Concepts to Help You Move Beyond Limitations and Find FulfillmentI lead an 8-week online coaching program for people in recovery from addiction.Feb 22, 2018Feb 22, 2018